

Live Call Scripts with AI for cold calling

Get super confident instantly on the phone

Let AI adapt the script for each lead and guide you through the call.
No CRM, no integration, no specific data needed. Just the prospect name.

Tired of bad selling experiences?

Sales Calls without EasyCallScript

    ✗ At least 1 week to fully understand how to sell the product
    ✗ Hard to map all possible objections & how to respond to each
    ✗ Stressful first calls for beginners
    ✗ Difficulty maintaining a company culture through the call
    ✗ Needs a lot of practice to feel confident
    ✗ Easy to lose focus on the objective : to sell

Sales Calls with EasyCallScript

    ✔ Instant efficiency on the phone even for beginners
    ✔ Response for every objections (even the super weird ones)
    ✔ Let the salesperson focus on the relationship and the AI ​​focus on the objective
    ✔ Consistent company culture with prospects on the phone
    ✔ No set up : call and sell




One time payment.
No subscription

  • ✔ Unlimited user profile
  • ✔ 1 business profile
  • ✔ Up to 1 200 exchanges


One time payment.
No subscription

  • ✔ Unlimited user profile
  • ✔ Unlimited business profile
  • ✔ Up to 4 000 exchanges

Need to buy some more time of live CallScript?

How does it work?

1. Define prospect info, select script type and language

Image for step 1

2. Follow live script and click on prospect response

Image for step 2

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